"Learn from on high - comfortably."

Hi! I'm Rosemary, but you can call me Rosie. I’m the founder and CEO of Q.NOOR.
When shopping for my first temple dress in 2010, I felt a little disappointed with the options I found at the LDS Distribution Center and Deseret Book. The temple felt like such a special and personal experience, but I couldn't find anything that felt very special or "me" at all. In 2014, as more and more of my friends entered the temple, I've observed that my disappointing temple dress experience wasn't unique to me. I launched Q.NOOR in 2015 to ensure that all women have dresses as special and beautiful as going to the temple feels.
Over the last six years, Q.NOOR has grown from a small temple dress company to thriving American made small batch fine women’s wear line for women, by women. The heart and soul of Q.NOOR is providing women comfortable clothes that help them feel more confident in their lives. Our goal is to provide you with foundational wardrobe pieces designed to be just as dynamic and versatile as you are.
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