Mother's Week
I’m almost 27 and I’m very much not a mom. So why do I care about Mother’s Day? I care about Mother’s Day because of what the Spirit taught me while studying this talk:
Are We Not All Mothers? by Sister Sheri L. Dew
These impressions from the Spirit help me understand that I am very much a mother. My kids just aren’t here yet. This understanding influences so many aspects of my everyday. I have no idea what my little kid spirits are doing right now, but I like to think they may be occasionally semi-interested in what their mom is up to. The idea that my little kiddos may be watching motivates me to read my scriptures, attend the temple, and live a happy good life. Now I'm FAAARRRR from prefect, so I also have many opportunities to be an example of repentance and using the Atonement. I hope my example will help those little spirits be just the tiniest bit more prepared when it’s finally their turn on Earth. (Disclaimer: I'm well aware this isn't doctrine. However, I figure if it helps me be a good girl, Heavenly Father probably isn't too worried about it.)
In Sister Neill F. Marriott’s recent talk “What Shall We Do?” she taught:
Mothers literally make room in their bodies to nurture an unborn baby—and hopefully a place in their hearts as they raise them—but nurturing is not limited to bearing children. Eve was called a “mother” before she had children.4 I believe that “to mother” means “to give life.” Think of the many ways you give life. It could mean giving emotional life to the hopeless or spiritual life to the doubter. With the help of the Holy Ghost, we can create an emotionally healing place for the discriminated against, the rejected, and the stranger. In these tender yet powerful ways, we build the kingdom of God. Sisters, all of us came to earth with these life-giving, nurturing, maternal gifts because that is God’s plan.
If young men start fulfilling Priesthood responsibilities at the early age of 12, shouldn’t we start magnifying our own duties around the same time? Obviously if we define motherhood as strictly maternity, you would all think I’m crazy. However, Sister Dew teaches "Motherhood is more than bearing children. It is the essence of who we are as women." As a single woman trying to fully take part in the Gospel of Jesus Christ THIS IS REALLY GOOD NEWS! Increasing my initial understanding of motherhood means my progression or ability to fulfill my divine role isn’t on hold. There is so much I can and should be doing right now, bare ring finger and all, to help children of God, myself included, return back to Heavenly Father.
Make plans to read Sister Dew’s talk soon. While you’re at it, revisit Sister Marriott’s, too. These talks are a great way to refine your focus as you consider your role in the Gospel as a daughter of God. They also help you understand my reasoning behind celebrating Motherhood ALL WEEK LONG!
While I'm excited about lots of things coming your way this week, I'm ESPECIALLY excited about the GIVEAWAY. This giveaway is going to be a little different. After pondering these two talks, on Wednesday, I'm going to invite you to enter the Q.NOOR giveaway not for yourself, but for someone who has helped you better understand what it means to be a mother. As taught in the talks, maternity and marital status are not prerequisites to qualify. More details will come on Wednesday, but start thinking now about a woman you would like to thank for the role she has played in your process of becoming like Christ.