Girl Power Gift Guide

Clothes are fun, but knowledge is freaking forever!
Check out this little list of rad book recommendations for the women in your life.
There is one shirt, because like I said, clothes are fun.
The sweetest children's book sharing the stories of strong women.

A BEAUTIFUL coffee table book sharing the stories of women in business.

A group of talks given by women in the church and my favorite book in all the land! You'll never be so proud to be a woman in this church.

TEAR JERKER. This book will give you all the feelings and make you feel connected to Heavenly Mother in a way you may not have realized you craved.

Brene Brown said this book is the reason she is still married and that's good enough for me!
"No exaggeration, no hyperbole, it changed my life." Brene Brown

This is beautiful workbook teaches boys and girls about strong and good women. Order the recent issue or a whole subscription.

Just the cutest little Ts in big and little girl sizes.