Gay Rights and The Mormon Church

Hi friends! Q.noor founder, Rosie here! I wanted to talk to you a little about a new (to the shop) book available on Gay Rights and the Mormon Church.
A couple of years ago I read an interview with Daniel Levy about his hit show Schitt’s Creek and he said something that really stuck with me in relation to how LGBTQ people are represented and treated in the show.
"I think because we're so accustomed to seeing queer love stories that are put in jeopardy by outside forces — it's the sort of 'Brokeback Mountain' effect of, any time you see two queer people in love, there has to be some kind of consequence. So to propose a world where there is no consequence, and two people can love each other sort of wholly ... in small-town America, and ultimately show that what comes from that is freedom and love and joy. It's a form, I guess, of sort of quiet protest, saying that this is how things should be.”
Through his work and art, Levy gave us all a glimpse of how we all can live together in peace without ostracizing LGBTQ individuals. Anyone who has seen the show know how sweet this element of it is.
With that concept in mind, I’ve tried to apply the same principles to Q.noor. What would it look like if the LDS church was a place where everyone was loved, accepted, and welcomed? What would it look like if we shined light in the darker corners of our history and had open and honest discussions rather than whitewashing? What would it feel like if we welcomed the “tricky” conversations rather than avoided them?
Gay Right’s and the Mormon Church is by Greg Prince, one our church’s leading historians. In this book he gives an authentic and honest recounting of our Church’s history in relation to the LGBTQ community without any sugar coating. While it can be uncomfortable to read, I believe knowing our history is an important part of understanding where the church stands today and opportunities available in the future.
This book was eye opening, informative, and helpful in my personal progress toward becoming a better disciple of Christ and ally to LGBTQ siblings. I hope you will take the time to read and learn from it. It is a very important piece of work.